So the other day I had to attend this blogger meet of Quaker Oats....Well lads I gotta tell you all this was the best time I ever had....The meet was on Sunday so I had to wake up early, get ready and reach JW Marriot by 10. After the hectic schedule a cup of coffee felt like the sweet water from heaven. Then after meeting all my friends over there we had the entry of Vinit who said us about how Oats is beneficial and then after a few really good words there came the star the master chef the one whose dishes makes us lick our fingers well he was none other than VIKAS KHANNA. There he gave us a few tips on how could we cook better, made us play different games, we also had a quiz session over there and then was the best part of all we played a team game though my team lost but it was soooo much fun....Had the best time ever with my friends looking forwards to attend more meets like this :) :)